Anonymous, 'Coast to Coast on Homemade Fuel,' The Mother Earth News (No. 73) pp. 178-179 (January/February 1982).

Anonymous, 'Wood Gas Update,' The Mother Earth News (No. 71) pp. 164-165 (September/October 1981).

Anonymous, "Mother's Woodburning Truck,' The Mother Earth News (No. 69) pp. 126-129 (May/June 1981).

Chatterjee, A.K., State of the An Report on Pyrolysis of Wood and Agricultural Biomass, PN-AAK-818, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Newark, NJ, March 1981.

Cruz, I.E., Producer-Gas Technology for Rural Applications, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, New York, NY, 1985.

Donath, E.E., "Vehicle Gas Producers,' Processing Technology (3) pp. 141-153 (1980).

Eoff, K.M., and D.M. Post, 'How to Power a Gasoline Engine with Wood,' Technical Reprint No. 1, The Mother Earth News, Hendersonville, NC, 1981.

Kaupp, A., and J.R. Goss, State of the Art Report for Small Scale (to 50kW) Gas Producer-Engine Systems, USDA Contract No. 53-319R-O-141, University of California, Davis, CA, March 1981.

Miller, B., State-of-the-Art Survey of Wood Gasification, EPRI-AP-3101, Fred C. Hart Associates, Inc., Washington, DC, May 1983.

Nygards, N., Wood Gas Generator Vehicles (a translation of the Swedish book), published by Purwaco International, Minneapolis, MN, 1979.

Oliver, E.D., Technical Evaluation of Wood Gasification, EPRI-AP-2567, Synthetic Fuels Association, Inc., Palo Alto, CA, August 1982.

Reed, T.B. (ed), A Survey of Biomass Gasification, VoL 1--Synopsis and Executive Summary, SERI/TR-33-239 (Vol. I), Solar Fnergy Research Institute, Golden, CO, July 1979.

Reed, T.B. (ed), A Survey of Biomass Gasification VoL II -- Principles of Gasification, SERM-33-239 (Vol. II), Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, CO, July 1979.

Reed, T.B. (ed), A Survey of Biomass Gasification, VoL III -- Current Technology and Research, SERM-33-239 (Vol. III), Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, CO, April 1980.

Reed, T.B., and A. Das, Handbook of Biomass Downdraft Gasifier Engine Systems, SERI/SP-271-3022, Solar Research Institute, Golden, CO, March 1988.

Reed, T.B., and D. Jantzen, Generator Gas: The Sweidish experience from 1939-1945 (a translation of the Swedish book, Gengas), SERI/SP-33-140, Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, CO, January 1979.

Skov, N., and M.L. Papworth, PEGASUS (Petroleum / Gasoline Substitute Systems), published by the Pegasus Publishing Co., Miami, FL, 1974.

Vietmeyer, N.L., et al., Producer Gas: Another Fuel for Motor Vehicle Transport, published by the National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1983.

Wise, D.L. (ed.), Fuel Gas from Biomass, published by the CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1981.

Construction Plans for Other Wood Gas Generator Units can be purchased from the following Organizations:

PEGASUS Publishing Co.
1995 Keystone Bivd.
Miami, FL 33181

Missouri Gasification Systems, Inc.
Route 3, Box 198
California, MO 65018

Mother's Plans
The Mother Earth News
P.0. Box 70
Hendersonville, NC 28791

Nunnikhoven Industrics
P. 0. Box 580
Mediapolis, IA 52637

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